Thursday 23 September 2021 hours 16:00 (UTC +01:00)
Lots from 1 to 24 of 131
  • Jared French Tennessee Williams three portrait by Jared French.
    Lot 1

    Tennessee Williams three portrait by Jared French. Vintage prints on baryta paper. Minor storage abrasions, very good conditions. A nude anatomical portrait collection of American playwright and screenwriter Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) realized by master of magic realism Jared French (1905-1988) 1948 ca. 18 x 24

  • Jared French Tennessee Williams two portrait by Jared French.
    Lot 2

    Tennessee Williams two portrait by Jared French. Vintage prints on baryta paper. Minor storage abrasions, very good conditions. A nude anatomical portrait collection of American playwright and screenwriter Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) realized by master of magic realism Jared French (1905-1988) 1948 ca. 18 x 24

  • Jared French Tennessee Williams by Jared French.
    Lot 3

    Tennessee Williams by Jared French. Vintage print on baryta paper. Minor storage abrasions, very good conditions. A nude anatomical portrait of American playwright and screenwriter Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) realized by master of magic realism Jared French (1905-1988) 1948 ca. 18 x 24

  • Philip Dixon Barbara Leigt by Philip Dixon.
    Lot 4

    Barbara Leigt by Philip Dixon. Dedicate sepia toning print on baryta paper. Slightly soiled, small bend on the right edge outside the print, very good condition 35 x 25 Print 24,5 x 17

  • Giovanni Battista Poletto Brigitte Bardot by Poletto.
    Lot 5

    Brigitte Bardot by Poletto. Press Print on single coated paper, photographer's stamp and notes on back. Imposed folds, nice conditions 24 x 17,5

  • Helmut Newton Grace Jones and Ivan Drago by Newton.
    Lot 6

    Grace Jones and Ivan Drago by Newton. Press Print on Agfa single coated paper. Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Excellent conditions 1985 26 x 20 stampa 24 x 19

  • Helmut Newton Debra Winger by Newton.
    Lot 7

    Debra Winger by Newton. Press Print on Agfa single coated paper. Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Small spot on left edge outside the print, very good conditions. 1983 20 x 25,5 print 14,5 x 24

  • Helmut Newton Natasha Kinsky, "stay as your are" by Newton.
    Lot 8

    Natasha Kinsky, "stay as your are" by Newton. Large format color positive trasparency, published on Playboy 12-1981. Excellent conditions 1981 20 x 25,5 window 14,5 x 24

  • Helmut Newton Barbara Edwards by Newton.
    Lot 9

    Barbara Edwards by Newton. Postdated Medium format positive trasparecy, published on Playboy 11-1995 1995 12,5 x 10, Window 8.2 x 8.2

  • Pierluigi Praturlon Ava Gardner and Walter Chiari by Praturlon.
    Lot 10

    Ava Gardner and Walter Chiari by Praturlon. Print on single coated paper, Photographer's ink stamp and notes on back. Excellent conditions 1960 ca. 18 x 24

  • Pierluigi Praturlon Wedding of Audrey hepburn and Andrea Dotti by Praturlon.
    Lot 11

    Wedding of Audrey hepburn and Andrea Dotti by Praturlon. Print on baryta paper, photographer's ink stamp and notes on back. Excellent conditions 1969 24 x 30

  • Pierluigi Praturlon Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer by Praturlon.
    Lot 12

    Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer by Praturlon. Hand-inked print on single layer paper, photographer's ink stamp and notes on back. Very good conditions 1965 ca. 18 x 24

  • Augusto Di Giovanni Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer by Di Giovanni.
    Lot 13

    Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer by Di Giovanni. Print on single coated paper, photographer's ink stamp and notes on back. Excellent 1965 ca. 23 x 17

  • David Chan Duglas Kirkland by David Chan.
    Lot 14

    Duglas Kirkland by David Chan. Print on RC paper, Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Excellent conditions. 1980 ca. 20 x 25,5 print 16 x 24,5

  • Herb Ritts  Herb Ritts  selfportrait .
    Lot 15

    Herb Ritts selfportrait . Print on single layer paper, published 12-1987. Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Small fold on lower right corner and wrench on left corner. Nice conditions 1987 20 x 25,5 Print 16 x 24,5

  • Pompeo Posar Christy Karen by Pompeo Posar.
    Lot 16

    Christy Karen by Pompeo Posar. Published on Playboy magazine in 1971. Print on single layer paper, notes on back. Excellent conditions 1971 20 x 25,5

  • Richard Fegley Shannon Tweed by Richard Fegley.
    Lot 17

    Shannon Tweed by Richard Fegley. Print on Agfa Paper, Published 11-1981. Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Excellent conditions 1981 20 x 25

  • The Figgers Debbie Davis by The Figges.
    Lot 18

    Debbie Davis by The Figges. Lot of two prints on baryta paper. Published 6-1962 on Playboy magazine, ink clichè printed on only one photograph. Excellent conditions 1962 20,5 x 25,5 print16 x 24

  • Walter Leonardi Nancy Sheppard by Walter Leonardi.
    Lot 19

    Nancy Sheppard by Walter Leonardi. Lot of four print on special high weight single coated paper. Excellent conditions 1975 ca. 17,5 x 23,5 (one) smaler 23,5 x 15

  • Clive Arrowsmith Clive Arrowsmith for Calendario Pirelli 1991.
    Lot 20

    Clive Arrowsmith for Calendario Pirelli 1991. Print on Fuji color paper. Clichè applied on back. In the picture a model plays the role of Greec heroin Mosch Tzavella (1760-1803). Excellent conditions 1991 17,5 x 24

  • Horn/Griner Peter Sellers by Horn/Griner.
    Lot 21

    Peter Sellers by Horn/Griner. Post-dated print on single coated paper from a 1964 first publication. Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Excellent conditions 26 x 20 print 19 x 19

  • Pompeo Posar Brenda Venus by Pompeo Posar.
    Lot 22

    Brenda Venus by Pompeo Posar. Published in 1986. Print on high quality baryta paper, red Playboy's archive numbers on back. Excellent conditions 1986 20 x 25,5

  • Richard Fegley Matt Dillon By Richard Fegley.
    Lot 23

    Matt Dillon By Richard Fegley. Plublished 2-1989. Lot of two prints on baryta paper. Red Playboy's archive numbers and notes on back. Excellent conditions 1989 20 x 25

  • Angelo Frontoni Fabrizio Bentivoglio by Frontoni.
    Lot 24

    Fabrizio Bentivoglio by Frontoni. High quality print on baryta paper. Lot of three prints. Excellent. 1980 ca. 30 x 20,5

Lots from 1 to 24 of 131




Inizio Asta Live

23 settembre 2021 ore 16:00 CEST


Palazzo Caetani Lovatelli | Piazza Lovatelli 1 | Roma 00186

Offerte pre-asta

Le offerte pre-asta potranno essere effettuate fino alle ore 12:00 CEST del 23 settembre 2021

Diritti D'asta: 24%

Live Bidding: 1,5%


  • 23 September 2021 hours 16:00 FOTOGRAFIA: CINEMA, SPORT, STORIA, FOTOGRAFIA D’AUTORE (1 - 131)

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