Lotto 37 | [Art] Commedia dell'arte , 1826

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[Art] Commedia dell'arte , 1826

First Edition

Valentini, Francesco. Trattato su la commedia dell'arte, ossia improvvisa. Maschere italiane ed alcune scene del Carnevale di Roma. Dal professore Francesco Valentini romano. Berlino : presso Luigi Guglielmo Wittich, 1826

Folio, 2 parts in 1 volume, contemporary bounds in boards, pp. x, 32, [2]; vi, 36, [2], 20 colored plates.

Very rare and beautifully illustrated work about the Commedia dell' Arte and Roman Carnival.

20 colored plates after drawings by Sturmer.

It was published in Berlin in 1826, 37 years after Goethe's famous 'Roman Carnival'

The magnificent aquatint panels initially show theatrical masks on 6 panels, followed by 14 panels with masks and festival scenes from Rome Carnival

Bibliography: Graesse VII, 238. - Brunet V, 1038